The Baking Bible: Chocolate Sweetheart Madeleines

I have never tried a madeleine so I have no idea if this is true to the original or not. It is a lovely soft little chocolate cake. Rose says the big problem of the madeleine is that they get stale so quickly so she based the recipe on her Chocolate Domingo Cake and glazed them in a thin ganache.

I don't know, people. Is this a true madeleine? All I see are the packaged madeleines at the Starbucks. However, I know already that these are 5,000 times better than anything that could come in a plastic package.

They are easy to make, and pretty quick. I bought a normal sized madeleine pan (the recipe was for either mini mads or regular) and since it was non-stick I just used a non-stick spray instead of spray and flour. I spooned the thick, creamy batter into the molds (thankfully Rose tells you how much batter to put in the molds) and smoothed it out with an offset spatula. The recipe says it will make 25 normal sized mads but the pan makes 12 at a time, so I decided to just eat the last 16 grams of raw batter instead of baking just one little cake. I called it baker's treat. The batter is like soft serve ice cream.

These are dangerously easy to eat, and so enjoyable. I kind of have to forget they are in the kitchen. That is a good problem to have.


  1. I've never met a Madeleine I didn't like, even in the Starbuck's packages but they can't compete with homemade ones. I don't know how to compare these to traditional vanilla Madeleines, it's kind of like apples to oranges. All I know is these are really good! Your's look great.


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